New Patients
New Patients

We appreciate the opportunity to care for your child’s dental needs, and we’re here to make your child’s experience friendly and comfortable. Your child’s health and well being are of utmost importance to us. We look forward to working with you and your child.

Making an
Appointments are scheduled at your convenience during office hours Monday through Friday 8am to 4:30pm; hours may vary depending on weather and vacation schedules. Please kindly give us 24 business hours notice if you have to cancel or change your appointment.
Please note that young children are usually most cooperative in the morning when they are not tired. Also, dental appointments are an excused absence for school-age children and teens.

The First Visit
You can help make your child’s visit a successful one by talking about it positively. Avoid the use of scary words like “needle,” “drill,” “shot” and “hurt.” Please don’t be upset if your child cries during the dental visit. As you know, children are often afraid of new and strange things; crying is a normal reaction to that fear.
You are invited to stay with your child during the appointment, and we welcome any questions you might have about your visit.
Payment and Insurance
Payment/copayment for your initial visit is expected at the time of the appointment. In cases of shared custody, the parent/guardian bringing the child to the visit is responsible for payment. For your convenience, we accept cash, checks, CareCredit, and credit cards ( Discover, Visa, Mastercard, American Express.)
We will discuss payments for future treatment before that treatment begins. We are happy to file claims for patients with dental insurance if we are provided with correct and necessary information.